The Easy Beginner Garden

We all know how wonderful a gardening life is. It's the satisfaction of nurturing tiny seedlings into delicious food and gorgeous, soul-lifting flowers. It's witnessing the miraculous lifecycle of a plant, and knowing that your care and attention made it happen. It's all about creating something beautiful from humble materials. If you know someone who could benefit from all of the joy you get from gardening, get them started on their gardening journey with this collection of vegetables and flowers that are the easiest and most gratifying things you can possibly grow. All of them can be sown directly into a small patch of earth in mid- to late spring, and will flourish without a lot of fuss. So satisfying and fun! By the way, want more suggestions for easy-to-grow veggies and flowers for beginners? For vegetables, try any Spinach, Beets, Radishes, Lettuces, Melons or Winter Squash. For easy blooms, try any Bachelor's Buttons, Borage, Calendulas, Cosmos, Four O'Clocks, Morning Glories or Nasturtiums.

This website special includes one packet of each of the following varieties (about 395 seeds) at about 28% off regular prices:

The Garden Gnome Dwarf Sunflower Mixture (about 75 seeds)
• Lisboa Cucumber (about 10 seeds)
• Purple Queen Bush Bean (about 150 seeds)
• The Giant-Almost-Dahlias Zinnia Mixture (about 75 seeds)
The Marvel African Marigold Mixture (about 75 seeds)
Y-Star Pattypan Summer Squash (about 10 seeds)

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  • Our Special Collections Make Wonderful Gifts
    Want to encourage a new gardener or jump start a wonderful season for an experienced gardener? Give them one of our discounted seed collections. Cooks and flower-lovers alike will love our carefully curated collections.
Our Special Collections Make Wonderful Gifts
Want to encourage a new gardener or jump start a wonderful season for an experienced gardener? Give them one of our discounted seed collections. Cooks and flower-lovers alike will love our carefully curated collections.
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